Nationality: Bolivian
Age: 31 
cellphone: +55 11 912861007

Jimena Gabriela Siles Paredes is currently a Ph.D. student in Biotechnoscience at the Federal University of ABC in Brazil. Supervised by João L. Salinet, she conducts her research to characterize the epicardial atrial substrate during fibrillation in experimental studies.

Of Bolivian nationality, Jimena is a Biomedical Engineer by profession, and she worked as a Clinical Engineer at the Boliviano Japones Institute of Gastroenterology for five years. In 2017 she won a grand given by The Organization of American States to realize her master’s studies in Biomedical Engineering at the same university where she is currently doing her Ph.D. During the pandemic, she returned to her country to work as director of Biomedical Engineering at the Universidad Privada del Valle. This year, she returned to Brazil to start her doctoral studies thanks to the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), where the aim of here research is to develop an experimental in situ models of electrically stimulated-induced Atrial Fibrillation by customizing metrics and electrophysiological maps used in the clinic for the ablation treatment of patients with AF.